16-18 June 2025, Warsaw POLAND


For years, EuroCOW has been biennial meetings that intend to bring together world experts, both from the public and private sectors, to present and discuss the recent findings and developments in Sensor Calibration and Orientation.

Pandemics stopped organizing this circular event, and separate workshops were organized at independent times and locations during Geospatial Week. Appreciating the narrow topic of the workshop, its unique character and the high level of scientific discussion at EuroCOW over the years, we decided to reactivate this event with the help of EuroSDR, ISPRS and FIG.

The organizers are setting the conditions for a practical, informative and informal three-day meeting in a relaxed atmosphere and expect to attract real experts with hands-on experience in the field. The presented contributions will be published in ISPRS Archives.

For EuroCOW 2025 the following topics are invited:

General topics:

  • Orientation and calibration algorithms and procedures
  • Progress in INS, GNSS, timing technology and algorithms
  • New optical sensors and their calibration procedures
  • Navigation, orientation, calibration, mapping with multi-platforms and multi-sensors
  • Data fusion between active and passive optical sensors as well as navigation sensors
  • Multi-sensor navigation for autonomous vehicles

Special topics:

  • Progress in tie-feature extraction with AI methods
  • Reliability and integrity measures with accent on low-altitude UAV
  • National and international controlled tests and test fields
  • Reliability of GNSS technology for sensor orientation in recent times


This year's event will take place in:

Warsaw University of Technology - Rektorska 4, Warsaw, Poland

CENAGIS - The Centre for Scientific Geospatial Analyses and Satellite Computations - 2 Ogrodowa Street, Józefosław, Poland (additional workshop with practical measurements)